[][src]Trait nom::AsChar

pub trait AsChar {
    fn as_char(self) -> char;
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool;
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool;
fn is_dec_digit(self) -> bool;
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool;
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool;
fn len(self) -> usize; }

transforms common types to a char for basic token parsing

Required Methods

makes a char from self

tests that self is an alphabetic character

warning: for &str it recognizes alphabetic characters outside of the 52 ASCII letters

tests that self is an alphabetic character or a decimal digit

tests that self is a decimal digit

tests that self is an hex digit

tests that self is an octal digit

gets the len in bytes for self

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl AsChar for u8

impl<'a> AsChar for &'a u8

impl AsChar for char

impl<'a> AsChar for &'a char
